Excitement - Welcome to the Heart of Europe

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A fascinating book about the fear of failure and walking by faith. Available in select bookstores, at Morawa and Amazon. Published in English (red cover) and German (blue cover). The reason behind the choice of colors is explained in the book. During preparations of the “Bu Dong” sequel, my editor asked: “Is there a market for rhyming book titles?” The above picture of an eye and a tear I painted during oncological rehabilitation.
An Exciting Book about Personal Change Management
Imagine you are walking on cloud nine and suddenly everything turns upside down! Is your bubble bursting and with it your dream of an easy, perfectly happy life? Cheer up, your new life has just begun! SO LONG offers reflections on essential questions of life. It is all about departures and new beginnings.
The author invites you on a journey into change, as he shares the astonishing insights of an international project manager, family man, Bible buff, and survivor. They inspire you to think, laugh, and take action. Get ready for a fascinating view into why things are the way they are and why they won’t stay that way!
The attentive reader will enjoy discovering how the author himself goes through a change process and in the second half of the book turns to existential questions and realities of faith. What makes the book extremely likable is the openness with which the author discusses the topic of personal failure and formulates his remarkable “3-2-1-Change” concept for reorientation. A great read about the courage to change and overcome life crises – as well as Bible quotations in everyday language and the proverbial walking over water.
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